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The Nature of Space

We know that the characteristics of the space are different at different distances.
We know that the clocks run slower and bodies get shorter in a stronger gravitational field than in a weaker gravitational field.
We know (as seen from the outside) that the light passes more slowly through a stronger gravitational field than through a weaker gravitational field.

To recognize and describe the characteristics of the space we will have to imagine a theoretical three-dimensional grid with a spacing of, say, 1 meter. - Let us call it TF. (Theoretical field)

This TF is used as a fixed reference.

Overall, the TF has an infinite extent and is not real.

Our real space is contained in it. - Let us call this the BF. (basic field)

Now, plot points the BF (in 3 dimensions) with a distance of one meter.

When a TF unit and a BF unit are being compared, then there will be more points (and BF) per TF unit where the gravitational field is stronger than where the gravitational field is weaker.

Each second the light passes through a constant number of points (meters) in the BF, but varies in the TF.

At distance (observed from the outside) it may be determined, how the BF is constructed by examining whether the time, respectively distance of light travelling seen from the observer, varies.

In other words, we can say that space in some places have more 'space' per TF unit than others - that the space density is variable.

When we see things take place at large distances, we usually imagine that the space has the same characteristics as in our own neighbourhood.


gsp okt - 2008